Printing Like a Pro!

Printing Like a Pro was developed by Sunny Hill Health Centre out of British Columbia. Printing Like a Pro! is a cognitive approach to teaching printing to primary school-age children, at home and in the classroom. The website includes free, downloadable resources and printable worksheets.

Harnessing the Science of Learning Book Study Recordings

Catch up with the recordings from our 6-part book study on Harnessing the Science of Learning: Success Stories to Help Kickstart Your School Improvement by Dr. Nathanial Swain. This series is designed to bring together the world of classroom practice, school leadership, and scientific research in an enthusiastic and uplifting atmosphere. Throughout the series, host Laura Bross,…

Intensive Intervention Practice Guide: Explicit Morphology Instruction to Improve Overall Literacy Skills in Secondary Students

This Intensive Intervention Practice Guide describes morphology and explains how teaching morphology can improve the reading skills of secondary-age students with reading and writing difficulties. In English, the spellings of words include information about both meanings and sounds. As a result, learning about morphology can help readers with word recognition (knowing the pronunciations and meanings…

How Learning Happens: Seminal Works in Educational Psychology and What They Mean in Practice

How Learning Happens is broken down into 28 short chapters, each one focusing on an important element of educational research. The format of each chapter with consistent sections (Why you should read this article, Abstract of the article, The article, Conclusions/implications of the work for educational practice, and How to use this work in your…

Reading Road Trip: Next STEPS for Targeted Instruction with Dr. Deb Glaser

This week, Kate chats with Dr. Deb Glaser about the second edition of Next STEPS for Literacy Instruction, co-authored with Dr. Susan Smartt. Kate and Deb unpack how to use valid and reliable assessments to shape effective literacy instructions, particularly through the Next STEPS framework: Set-up, Teach, Engage, Practice, and Show You Know.

How Learning Happens

Passionate about integrating the science of learning into your pedagogical practice? Catch up with the materials and recordings from Jim Hewitt and Nidhi Sachdeva’s series, focusing on selected chapters from How Learning Happens by Paul Kirschner and Carl Hendrick. The series focuses on six theoretical foundations from the Science of Learning and examines how we can…