
Focused Oral Reading Practice: A New Approach

By PaTTAN, Michael Hunter Last updated 2024/05/24


This webinar will support educators in determining oral reading fluency goals, specifically for accuracy and rate, and how to provide instruction for these goals in a small group setting.  Michael Hunter provides examples of assessment with a focus on accuracy, error tracking using decodable texts, and how to provide small group instruction to first improve accuracy followed by rate. This webinar will support educators of all grade levels working with students to improve oral reading fluency with connected text. 

Curriculum Connection

B2. Language Foundations for Reading and Writing
This webinar will support educators in determining oral Fluency goals, specifically for accuracy and rate, and how to provide instruction for these goals in a small group setting. Grade 1: B2.8; read simple words, short sentences, and paragraphs in a variety of texts fluently, with accuracy and appropriate pacing to support comprehension, and read aloud with expressionGrades 2–3: B2.5; read words, sentences, and paragraphs in a variety of texts fluently, with accuracy and appropriate pacing to support comprehension, and read aloud with expression and intonationGrade 4-8: B2.3' read a variety of texts fluently, with accuracy and appropriate pacing to support comprehension, and when reading aloud, adjust expression and intonation according to the purpose of reading
Grade(s): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Topic(s): Explicit InstructionFluency
total length

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