Embedded picture mnemonics are a research-based way to teach children about letters and the sounds they represent. They are letter cards with a picture of a key word embedded directly in a letter, such as the letter z made out of a zipper, or the […]
Embedded picture mnemonics are a research-based way to teach children about letters and the sounds they represent. They are letters with a picture of a keyword embedded directly in them, such as the letter z made out of a zipper or the letter r made […]
Embedded picture mnemonics are a research-based way to teach children about letters and the sounds they represent. They are letter cards with a picture of a key word embedded directly in a letter, such as the letter z made out of a zipper, or the […]
Alphabetics (phonemic awareness and phonics) were key elements of effective, evidence-based reading instruction identified in the National Reading Panel. 20 years after the release of the report of the panel, Dr. Susan Brady summarized Panel findings, and highlighted key findings from research after its release.
In this book, Heidi Mesmer shares research-backed strategies to support teachers as they move students beyond basic phonics and decoding short words. It’s easy to follow with lots of graphics, sidebars, resources accessible by QR code and appendices. Part I of the book breaks down […]
This book is an excellent, reader-friendly resource for kindergarten teachers and Early Childhood Educators. While infant and toddler development takes place before the Ontario curriculum kicks in, the authors are American. Their recommendations for preschoolers generally align with the age of our Year 1 kindergarten […]
A team of researchers and teachers at FCRR collected ideas and created activities for students at stations or centres. These phonics activities are designed for students to practice, demonstrate, and extend their learning of what has already been taught, sometimes with teacher assistance and sometimes […]
These fluency grids, aligned with the UFLI Foundations scope and sequence), provide additional practice for students as they build proficiency in using grapheme-phoneme correspondences to decode words. Thank you to Avon Maitland DSB for sharing!
Fostering partnerships between school and home is key to supporting strong student outcomes. Jenni vanRees and other educators at Blue Heron Public School (WRDSB) have created this collection of materials to support a home reading program aligned with structured literacy and the science of reading. […]
It can be challenging to navigate the many subtests that can be used in universal screening! Skilled reading involves the integration of many subskills. This chart can be used to identify the most pressing need for instruction. For older students – start at the top […]
With a new curriculum, there are lots of new terms for both educators and families to navigate. This glossary contains high-level explanations for many terms used in the Language curriculum, with the goal of supporting partnerships with school and home.
This book is a fantastic resource aligning closely with much of the new Ontario Language Curriculum and reinforcing how assessment can inform our instruction and interventions in order to best help students succeed in literacy. It’s valuable learning for classroom educators, those working in coaching/consulting […]