Teaching Summary Writing to Support Comprehension

Watching this webinar from PaTTAN, you will learn why summarizing has been identified through research as highly effective for developing comprehension and writing. It defines a quality summary and how it differs from retelling or paraphrasing.  Practical suggestions for explicitly teaching summary writing based on text and non-text sources will be shared, including scaffolds. The…

Literacy Learning for Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers

This book is an excellent, reader-friendly resource for kindergarten teachers and Early Childhood Educators. While infant and toddler development takes place before the Ontario curriculum kicks in, the authors are American. Their recommendations for preschoolers generally align with the age of our Year 1 kindergarten students. Much of the research and advice in the book…

Teaching Beginning Writers

In this book, the authors share background information on how writing develops, and a research base for three key elements: handwriting, spelling and composition. The following chapters provide practical classroom advice for teaching all three, including several chapters dedicated to genre-specific writing instruction: book reviews (opinion), narratives and description, and how those progress from K-2….

Série de webinaires sur la morphologie

Cette série de webinaires en deux parties sur la morphologie explore les principes fondamentaux de la morphologie. La connaissance de la morphologie est importante pour soutenir la compréhension de la lecture, le vocabulaire, l’orthographe et l’écriture des élèves.a deux types de morphologie: flexionnelle et dérivationnelle. La vidéo explique comment décortiquer les mots afin de les…