Screening: What Principals Need to Know Webinar Recording

On the recommendation of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, Ontario will be starting early reading screening in Fall 2024. This webinar clarifies the important role principals play in screening: the who, what, when, why, and how of early reading screening – and, most importantly, how […]

Data Informed Systems

In this series of videos, Dr. Andrea Fraser highlights key considerations for school boards and districts as they move to evidence-based assessment and data-based decision-making.

Acadience Reading K-2 Data Sheets

This Google Sheets document is designed to support K-2 educators in analyzing their Acadience reading data. It features a dedicated sheet for each grade level at each time window, allowing educators to input raw scores. The document automatically compares raw scores to benchmark scores, colour […]

Screening vs. Diagnostic Assessment

This video brought to you by Stephanie Stollar will clear up any confusion about universal screening and diagnostic assessment. Not only will you understand the differences, but you will also learn how the two work together to help guide instructional decisions in reading.

Reconsidering Reading Levels

The Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Right to Read inquiry concluded that running records and reading level assessments have not been effective in identifying students who need additional support or in providing teachers with accurate information to guide instruction. We now know that there are more […]

Making Sense of Screening Decision Tree

It can be challenging to navigate the many subtests that can be used in universal screening! Skilled reading involves the integration of many subskills. This chart can be used to identify the most pressing need for instruction. For older students – start at the top […]

Clear Communication: Early Reading Screening

The Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Right to Read Inquiry recommended that the province implement universal early screening using evidence-based tools to reduce bias and support equity. As Ontario educators and boards collectively learn more about screening, several common questions have emerged. This document aims to […]

Is ORF Useful in Grades 3 – 6?

Dr. Stephanie Stollar highlights ideas for using Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) assessment data for screening, designing instruction, and monitoring progress in the junior grades.