Home Reading Materials

Fostering partnerships between school and home is key to supporting strong student outcomes. Jenni vanRees and other educators at Blue Heron Public School (WRDSB) have created this collection of materials to support a home reading program aligned with structured literacy and the science of reading. The materials include: a letter home to parents and caregivers…

Juicy Sentence Guidance

Far too often, students who struggle with reading and language are given simplified, uninteresting texts. These texts are judged to be “at-the-students’ language or reading level” but deny students access to rich, interesting, age-appropriate text. This guidance document outlines some ideas for fostering conversations around “juicy sentences,” where students learn to deconstruct and reconstruct sentences,…

BEE for Reading: Brain, Ear, Eyes

BEE for Reading is speech to print program created and piloted in Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) kindergarten classes. The program in its entirety consists of a manual, lesson slide decks, sound wall materials, centre activities, and home connections. The full program daily schedule includes: 1. Phonemic awareness (i.e., sound identification, blending and…

Thinking Reading: What Every Secondary Teacher Needs to Know About Reading

This reader-friendly book, written by two educators, provides great background and professional learning related to reading development, and particularly how it applies in the older grades. While the title includes the word “secondary”, junior and intermediate teachers in Ontario could all benefit from reading this book. Information includes how we learn to read and misconceptions…

Literacy Foundations for English Learners: A Comprehensive Guide to Evidence-Based Instruction

This title is a must-read for any educators working with multilingual learners (MLLs) of all ages, referred to in the book as English Learners (ELs). It affirms the necessity of a structured literacy approach for these students, while adding in the extra layers of support that may also be beneficial (e.g., comparing English and home…

Tier 2 Vocabulary for K-6

Tier 2 vocabulary words are words that are useful and necessary across different content areas or domains, but that may not be frequently used in oral language. Christopher Such, author of The Art and Science of Teaching Primary Reading, has assembled a list of Tier 2 vocabulary words for explicit instruction.