
Maya's Book Nook: Beyond the Book Resources

By Maya's Book Nook Last updated 2024/05/27


Maya’s Book Nook is a website created by Speech-Language Pathologist Dr. Lakeisha Johnson. The Behind the Book section houses a bank of materials to accompany a diverse, culturally relevant children’s book. Equally useful for both parents/caregivers and educators, these handouts include target vocabulary words, as well as questions to support dialogic reading to build language comprehension.

Curriculum Connection

1. Curriculum Context B2. Language Foundations for Reading and Writing
Culturally responsive and relevant pedagogy is a key element of the Language curriculum. This pedagogy "recognizes students’ various cultural and linguistic identities as critical resources in language and literacy instruction and learning."
Grade(s): K 1 2 3 4 5 6
Topic(s): ComprehensionCulturally Relevant and Responsive PedagogyOral LanguageVocabulary

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