Strive-For-Five Conversations

Oral language is the cornerstone of literacy, and this reader-friendly book provides a tool – the “Strive-For-Five” framework – to help educators extend conversations with students to help support speaking, vocabulary, reasoning and other skills. Chapters include “Creating Classroom Routines for Strive-for-Five Conversations”, “Choosing Books That Spark Rich Conversations” and “Talking Is Teaching: Strive-For-Five Conversations…

Literacy Learning for Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers

This book is an excellent, reader-friendly resource for kindergarten teachers and Early Childhood Educators. While infant and toddler development takes place before the Ontario curriculum kicks in, the authors are American. Their recommendations for preschoolers generally align with the age of our Year 1 kindergarten students. Much of the research and advice in the book…

Barrier Games

Barrier games are fantastic resources to support a child’s speech and language skills. There are many benefits from using barrier games with a child such as developing: listening skills, oral language skills, social language skills, clear talking and understanding of concepts. They are great for extending the amount of information a child can understand or…