Thinking Reading: What Every Secondary Teacher Needs to Know About Reading

This reader-friendly book, written by two educators, provides great background and professional learning related to reading development, and particularly how it applies in the older grades. While the title includes the word « secondary », junior and intermediate teachers in Ontario could all benefit from reading this book. Information includes how we learn to read and misconceptions…

Foundations for Literacy: An Evidence-based Toolkit for the Effective Reading and Writing Teacher

This resource has been compiled by a group of Canadian language and literacy experts. It is organized into three primary segments. First, it highlights the essential information educators should possess about various research types, enabling them to stay well-informed and knowledgeable about the connection between language, reading, and writing instruction. The next section focuses on…

Response to Cummins: The OHRC Right to Read Report Will Move Ontario into the 21st Century

In this article, Dr. Perry Klein responds to Dr. Jim Cummins’ criticisms of the Right to Read Report, highlighting several recommendations and positions that Cummins attributes to the report but that it does not actually contain. Dr. Klein also identifies five ways in which this report will bring Ontario’s special education policy into the 21st…

Literacy for All: Instructional Considerations for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Literacy is a set of skills that opens a world of possibilities for all students, including students with significant cognitive exceptionalities.  This PaTTAN webinar begins the discussion about what literacy instruction looks like for this group of students by discussing the definition of literacy, examining the research literature, and providing questions to help guide the…