Building MTSS for Reading Success: Part 1

This workshop provides an introduction to multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) as the framework for implementing the science of reading in elementary schools. A clear description of MTSS will be contrasted with the current service delivery models it is designed to replace. Participants will have […]

Mes clés… Pour enseigner efficacement la lecture

Les difficultés relevées en compréhension de la langue écrite peuvent provenir, entre autres, de problèmes de compréhension de la langue orale ou d’une mauvaise maitrise du décodage. Dans ces deux domaines… les interventions ciblées au sein de l’école sont possibles et efficaces. Dans cette vidéo, […]

Syntax: Somewhere Between Words And Text

Emphasis on sentence-level instruction is critical to bridge the word-to-text gap for reading and writing. The PaTTAN webinar focuses on the relationships between words, sentences, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Explicit instruction can capitalize on and foster these relationships through purposeful selection of words, texts, and […]

Brain Builders Video Series

Brain Builders is an animated video series of 13 episodes you can share with your students to help them understand what the brain does to read. The main characters, Minh and Tamara, journey together as they cultivate a love for reading and understanding the Science […]