Webinaire : Modélisation d’un parcours intégré visant à soutenir l’enseignement de la compréhension de la lecture et l’écriture en partant de littérat

Ce webinaire propose un parcours d’activités didactiques qui s’inspire d’une œuvre de littérature de jeunesse et qui vise, entre autres, à soutenir les élèves en lecture. Les activités composant le parcours qui sera présenté seront basées sur plusieurs des fondements qui sous-tendent le programme-cadre révisé, […]

MTSS: Raising Reading Outcomes

Hear the story of dedicated educators working together to put in place a full MTSS framework (Tiers 1-3) to support ALL students. This webinar focuses on a partnership between Mount St. Joseph University and a local school; the main investigator and school administration share their […]

Teaching Summary Writing to Support Comprehension

Watching this webinar from PaTTAN, you will learn why summarizing has been identified through research as highly effective for developing comprehension and writing. It defines a quality summary and how it differs from retelling or paraphrasing.  Practical suggestions for explicitly teaching summary writing based on […]

Screening vs. Diagnostic Assessment

This video brought to you by Stephanie Stollar will clear up any confusion about universal screening and diagnostic assessment. Not only will you understand the differences, but you will also learn how the two work together to help guide instructional decisions in reading.

Série de webinaires sur la morphologie

Cette série de webinaires en deux parties sur la morphologie explore les principes fondamentaux de la morphologie. La connaissance de la morphologie est importante pour soutenir la compréhension de la lecture, le vocabulaire, l’orthographe et l’écriture des élèves.a deux types de morphologie: flexionnelle et dérivationnelle. […]

Repeated Reading Demonstration

See how repeated reading, an evidence-based approach to building fluency, can be implemented in the classroom with this brief video from the Institute of Education Sciences.

Les 3 niveaux de vocabulaire

L’acquisition du vocabulaire est l’un des fondements essentiels à la réussite scolaire. Les enfants apprennent des nouveaux mots de vocabulaire de différentes façons. Comment savoir quels mots de vocabulaire cibler ? Cette capsule explique les différents niveaux de vocabulaire à considérer lorsque l’on tente d’aider […]

Explicit Vocabulary Instruction

Even as students enter kindergarten, there are huge differences in their individual vocabularies. If we are to narrow the achievement gap that students from different economic levels exhibit in the upper grades, we must provide systematic, robust explicit vocabulary instruction in the primary grades. One […]

ONlit Guiding Principles

These are the key ideas and principles guiding the ONlit team’s work. We hope they might be helpful for you, as well, as we collectively work toward shifting systems to allow all children realize their right to learn to read.