Juicy Sentence Guidance

Far too often, students who struggle with reading and language are given simplified, uninteresting texts. These texts are judged to be “at-the-students’ language or reading level” but deny students access to rich, interesting, age-appropriate text. This guidance document outlines some ideas for fostering conversations around […]

Arbre de décision pour le dépistage

Il peut être difficile de gérer les nombreux sous-tests qui peuvent être utilisés dans le cadre d’un dépistage universel ! Une bonne lecture implique l’intégration de nombreuses sous-compétences. Ce tableau peut être utilisé pour identifier le besoin le plus urgent de l’élève.

Making Sense of Screening Decision Tree

It can be challenging to navigate the many subtests that can be used in universal screening! Skilled reading involves the integration of many subskills. This chart can be used to identify the most pressing need for instruction. For older students – start at the top […]

Qu’est-ce que la dyslexie ?

Cette affiche informative aide les éducateurs à comprendre ce qu’est la dyslexie. Elle met en évidence les signes de la dyslexie, dissipe les mythes courants qui l’entourent et aborde les « causes » sous-jacentes. Créée pour sensibiliser le public pendant le Mois de la sensibilisation à la […]

Clear Communication: Early Reading Screening

The Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Right to Read Inquiry recommended that the province implement universal early screening using evidence-based tools to reduce bias and support equity. As Ontario educators and boards collectively learn more about screening, several common questions have emerged. This document aims to […]

Grade 2/3 Sample Language Block Plan

This document shows a sample schedule for a 110-minute language block. It’s important to note that this schedule should shift across the school year to better meet students’ changing needs. For example, focus may shift more to multisyllabic word reading and spelling.

Effective Vocabulary Instruction

Joan Sedita highlights the importance of vocabulary instruction, how vocabulary instruction supports reading comprehension, and characteristics of effective vocabulary instruction.

Tier 2 Vocabulary for K-6

Tier 2 vocabulary words are words that are useful and necessary across different content areas or domains, but that may not be frequently used in oral language. Christopher Such, author of The Art and Science of Teaching Primary Reading, has assembled a list of Tier 2 […]