10 maximes : Ce que nous avons appris jusqu’ici sur la manière dont les enfants apprennent à lire

Dans ce document de Reading Universe adapté au français, Reid Lyon résume, en langage clair, ce que la recherche a appris sur le développement de la lecture au cours des 50 dernières années. Cette ressource aidera le personnel enseignant dans leur développement professionnelle grâce à une liste concise comprenant une sélection d’études qui sous-tendent chaque…

Fluency in Perspective

This is a collection of passages designed to be used for fluency instruction in grade 8. Developed by Lisa Rogers, Laura Bross, Ayesatta Conteh, Teresa Oud, and Catherine Shawana, each passage focuses on a diverse changemaker from across Turtle Island – individuals who stood up for themselves and others, who fought hard to overcome obstacles,…

Repurposing Levelled Literacy Intervention (LLI) – Content Library

With shifts to literacy instruction and intervention and the revised 2023 Language curriculum, many schools have unused Levelled Literacy Intervention books in their book rooms. While LLI isn’t an evidence-based literacy intervention and doesn’t meet the needs of struggling readers, the individual texts can be repurposed to support structured literacy instruction. Developed by Catherine Shawana…

Students With Autism: How To Improve Language, Literacy and Academic Success

This resource is for all educators who work with students with autism. While many books on this topic focus on social and behavioural needs, this book offers a comprehensive focus on curriculum and instruction for this population of students. Early chapters on characteristics of autism and how core deficits affect language and learning are valuable…

How Learning Happens: Seminal Works in Educational Psychology and What They Mean in Practice

How Learning Happens is broken down into 28 short chapters, each one focusing on an important element of educational research. The format of each chapter with consistent sections (Why you should read this article, Abstract of the article, The article, Conclusions/implications of the work for educational practice, and How to use this work in your…

Les grandes familles de mots

Cet ouvrage propose 81 regroupements lexicaux reposant sur l’histoire de quelques milliers de mots. Ces mots sont classés ici en fonction de liens étymologiques et morphologiques qui les unissent, et qui les relient aussi à d’autres langues. Cette ressource est utile pour planifier l’enseignement explicite du vocabulaire ou de l’orthographe afin d’expliquer l’étymologie des morphèmes…