Students With Autism: How To Improve Language, Literacy and Academic Success

This resource is for all educators who work with students with autism. While many books on this topic focus on social and behavioural needs, this book offers a comprehensive focus on curriculum and instruction for this population of students. Early chapters on characteristics of autism and how core deficits affect language and learning are valuable…

Boîtes Elkonin – Google Slides

Les boîtes Elkonin permettent de développer des habiletés de conscience phonémique de façon multimodale lors de la segmentation des mots en phonème individuels. Cette présentation Google Slides contient des boîtes Elkonin qui mettent en évidence différentes structures syllabiques. En affichant les notes en bas des diapositives, vous trouverez une liste de mots à correspondances lettres-sons étroites…

Daily Pen Review

This template can be used for daily review. Created by Laura Bross and inspired by the OG Classroom Educator Course, it can be used as a quick review tool for older students who still require daily review on phonics skills. Recommendations include: Use pens for this task.  When students make an error, encourage them to…

How Learning Happens: Seminal Works in Educational Psychology and What They Mean in Practice

How Learning Happens is broken down into 28 short chapters, each one focusing on an important element of educational research. The format of each chapter with consistent sections (Why you should read this article, Abstract of the article, The article, Conclusions/implications of the work for educational practice, and How to use this work in your…

A 2020 Perspective on Research Findings on Alphabetics: Implications for Instruction

Alphabetics (phonemic awareness and phonics) were key elements of effective, evidence-based reading instruction identified in the National Reading Panel. 20 years after the release of the report of the panel, Dr. Susan Brady summarized Panel findings, and highlighted key findings from research after its release. The View Resource button below opens the 2020 paper, and…