Teaching Phonemic Awareness and Word Reading Skills

In this article from the International Dyslexia Association, Al Otaiba et al. emphasize the significance of evidence-based systematic and explicit instruction. They outline the typical process through which students grasp the alphabetic principle (the concept that words consist of distinct sounds). They also provide explanations of blending and segmenting instruction, accompanied by sample activities. The article also furnishes teachers with resources for explicit and systematic reading instruction as well as examples of explicit and systematic programs for teaching phonemic awareness and phonics.

Reading Road Trip: Mighty Moves for Reading Success with Lindsay Kemeny

In this podcast episode, Lindsay Kemeny highlights the « 7 Mighty Moves » she made to align her early literacy instruction with research. Moves include teaching phonemic awareness with intention, teaching phonics explicitly and systematically, teaching decoding strategies, using decodable texts for beginning readers, encouraging more decoding of high-frequency words, providing meaningful fluency practice, and embracing vocabulary and knowledge instruction to support comprehension.

Structured Literacy Interventions: Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties, Grades K-6

Structured Literacy Interventions is an anthology of chapters written by many well-known names in reading science, including Louise Moats, Devin Kearns and Louise Spear-Swerling who also edited the book. Chapters cover a wide range of possible areas of reading difficulty, including phonemic awareness & word recognition, spelling, fluency, vocabulary, oral language comprehension, reading comprehension and written expression. The title supports Strands B (Foundations of Language), C (Comprehension) and D (Composition) of the Language curriculum. Each chapter offers research-based background and practical applications for educators working with struggling students. The book includes lesson plans and application activities, and is perfect for special education and intervention teachers, but also helpful for classroom educators looking to intensify instruction for struggling students.

Heart Word Magic Dissect a Word

This activity allows students to practice dissecting Heart Words (high-frequency words) with irregular letter sound relationships by listening to the individual phonemes in a word and then filling in the corresponding spellings. They fill in a heart above the irregular part of the word that must be learned “by heart” and write that tricky part again. 
Sample scripts are provided for the following words: saidfromhisofcould
This PDF includes 5 pages. Page 1 provides the overall directions, pages 2-4 provide the sample scripts and page 5 is the student spelling grid sheet.