Enseignons les connaissances morphologiques
Ce site Web vous propose des activités clés en main pour enseigner les connaissances morphologiques dans votre salle de classe, que vous enseignez au cycle préparatoire, primaire ou moyen.
Ce site Web vous propose des activités clés en main pour enseigner les connaissances morphologiques dans votre salle de classe, que vous enseignez au cycle préparatoire, primaire ou moyen.
This newly updated book (Third Edition) is a great resource for teachers of all grades looking to support their students’ reading comprehension. It’s particularly helpful for instructing students who have learning difficulties, but is a valuable read for all educators. The book includes chapters on Vocabulary, Promoting Content-Area Literacy, Supporting English Learners, Intensive Interventions, Multicomponent…
Talk Moves are sentence starters and gestures that teachers and students can use to invite everyone into the conversation and encourage academic thinking. Learn how to create a classroom culture of talk and incorporate talk moves in your class through this Talk Moves PD Series. Starting September 2024, a new module will be available every…
Whether using something new, successful implementation takes intentional planning and time. Implementation is not an event but a process involving multiple decisions and actions. Although implementation can take longer than we hope or anticipate, its process and trajectory can be predicted and shaped using a stage-based approach. The Implementation Stages Planning Tool supports identification of…
The Writing Pathway, researched by Dr. Steve Graham, makes high-quality writing instruction accessible to all, blending a researched approach with AI tools that save educators time. Teachers can create writing practice for any topic or content area across grades 3-12.
These posters highlight a decoding strategy adapted from the IES Practice Guide Providing Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 4–9. Two versions are available – a double sided 8.5 x 11 copy with sample educator language for modelling the strategy, and a larger 24 x 36 size. References: Vaughn, S., Gersten, R., Dimino, J.,…
Fluency is essential for skillful and motivated reading, but is often misunderstood. Fluent reading is NOT fast reading! Jan Hasbrouck defines reading fluency and clarifies the link between fluency and comprehension.
This printable template, with boxes for each syllable, can be used to support students in spelling multisyllabic words.
This webinar unpacks key recommendations from the IES Practice Guide Providing Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 4 – 9.
In this brief video, Nancy Hennessy shares insights into the elements of comprehension and how educators can facilitate comprehension for students through Structured Literacy instruction.
Season 3 of Reading Road Trip wraps up with a jam-packed episode featuring Dr. Amanda VanDerHeyden. Kate and Amanda have a wide-ranging conversation about the science of learning and human behaviour – how do children learn new things? From the instructional hierarchy to incremental rehearsal, don’t miss this fabulous episode!
The Instructional Hierarchy is a model of skill acquisition. The hierarchy has been researched for decades – when we learn something new, we move through a series of predictable stages. Educators need to be aware of the instructional hierarchy since we are most effective when our instruction matches the student’s current level of proficiency. Learn…
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