Teaching Text Structure

In this overview from Reading Rockets on teaching text structure, you’ll learn about the 5 most common text structures (narrative, descriptive, expository, procedural/instructional, and argumentative/persuasive) and their features and how to help students learn to identify and use text structures in their reading and writing. […]

Syntax: Somewhere between Words and Text

In this International Dyslexia Association Perspectives article, Nancy Chapel Eberhardt discusses instructional practices to teach grammar and syntax with a focus that will increase the reader’s understanding of complex texts. This article will give educators examples of how to use a Function-Based Instructional Approach in […]

Reading Comprehension Development and Difficulties: An Overview

In this International Dyslexia Association Perspectives article, Kate Cain explores the topic of reading comprehension and how language skills develop. The article explains how vocabulary acquisition, understanding of sentence structure and how sentences work together, the ability to infer and integrate information, and building a […]

Supporting Reading Comprehension Development

In this International Dyslexia Association Perspectives article, authors Jane Oakhill and Kate Cain explore the factors supporting reading comprehension beyond basic decoding and suggest critical skills that should form the core of literacy instruction and interventions to support poor reading comprehension. The article outlines which […]

Debout comme un grand cèdre

La conteuse Nicola I. Campbell donne un sens aux mots « se tenir debout comme un grand cèdre » dans une touchante exploration au sein de la nature. On y apprend le nom des animaux ainsi que les enseignements qu’ils ont à nous offrir. Tissées […]

Les bas du pensionnat

Les Bas du pensionnat raconte la vie d’une petite fille inuvialuit de l’île Banks, âgée de huit ans, qui a fréquenté le pensionnat. Malgré les brimades des autres filles qui fréquentent l’école et le racisme des enseignants, Margaret réussit à apprendre à lire. Elle aime […]

Voici Tom Longboat

Ce livre de 32 pages offre aux jeunes lecteurs une nouvelle approche pour comprendre un célèbre coureur de fond des Six Nations de la rivière Grand qui a participé au marathon de Boston. Tom Longboat a été nommé au Panthéon des sports canadiens et la […]

Alex partage sa ceinture wampu

Il s’agit d’un livre illustré de huit pages sur l’importance des ceintures wampum créée à l’intention des élèves du primaire et comporte une page de suggestions d’activités pour le personnel enseignant. Au niveau primaire, c’est un livre non-décodable qui est lu à voix haute par l’enseignante […]

Knowledge and Practice: The Real Keys to Critical Thinking

In this Knowledge Matters Campaign article, Daniel Willingham explores the factors that lead to critical thinking skills, noting that background, or domain knowledge, plays a key factor. Willingham notes, « background knowledge is absolutely integral to effectively deploying important cognitive processes, » suggesting that facts that are […]

How to Teach Critical Thinking

In this Occasional Paper Series from Education Future Frontier, cognitive scientist Daniel Willingham takes a deep dive into the science behind teaching critical thinking and offers strategies such as understanding the domain knowledge required for understanding, creating conditions for transferable skills, and understanding the structure […]

Comparing Real Families to TV Families

In this lesson, students delve into how media constructs reality through the lens of TV families, paralleling them with their real-life counterparts—personal and peer families. The session commences with a survey of students’ beloved family-oriented TV shows and their allures. Organized in groups, students opt […]