Pour un enseignement efficace de la lecture et de l’écriture

Cette ressource a été compilée par un groupe d’experts canadiens en matière de langue et de littératie. Elle est organisée en trois parties principales. Tout d’abord, il met en évidence les informations essentielles que le personnel enseignant doit posséder sur les différents types de recherche, ce qui permet de rester bien informé et de connaître…

Modèle de journal structuré

Ce modèle de journal structuré, basé sur les travaux de David Liben et Meredith Liben, peut être utilisé pour initier les élèves à l’utilisation de journaux structurés dans le cadre de leur lecture attentive de textes. Bien que ce travail puisse être commencé oralement avec des élèves plus jeunes, ce modèle sera mieux adapté aux…

Writing Pathway

The Writing Pathway, researched by Dr. Steve Graham, makes high-quality writing instruction accessible to all, blending a researched approach with AI tools that save educators time. Teachers can create writing practice for any topic or content area across grades 3-12.

Teaching TV: Television Techniques

The « Teaching TV: Television Techniques » lesson, a component of Elizabeth Verrall’s comprehensive five-part unit for elementary education, offers educators valuable insights for incorporating TV education in classrooms. By guiding students in creating their own media productions, the lesson imparts a practical understanding of how technology and film techniques are harnessed in television to convey meaning…

Teaching Summary Writing to Support Comprehension

Watching this webinar from PaTTAN, you will learn why summarizing has been identified through research as highly effective for developing comprehension and writing. It defines a quality summary and how it differs from retelling or paraphrasing.  Practical suggestions for explicitly teaching summary writing based on text and non-text sources will be shared, including scaffolds. The…

Literacy Learning for Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers

This book is an excellent, reader-friendly resource for kindergarten teachers and Early Childhood Educators. While infant and toddler development takes place before the Ontario curriculum kicks in, the authors are American. Their recommendations for preschoolers generally align with the age of our Year 1 kindergarten students. Much of the research and advice in the book…

Teaching Beginning Writers

In this book, the authors share background information on how writing develops, and a research base for three key elements: handwriting, spelling and composition. The following chapters provide practical classroom advice for teaching all three, including several chapters dedicated to genre-specific writing instruction: book reviews (opinion), narratives and description, and how those progress from K-2….