Fluency in Perspective

This is a collection of passages designed to be used for fluency instruction in grade 8. Developed by Lisa Rogers, Laura Bross, Ayesatta Conteh, Teresa Oud, and Catherine Shawana, each passage focuses on a diverse changemaker from across Turtle Island – individuals who stood up […]

Scaffolding Vocabulary and Complex Texts

Vocabulary knowledge must be intentionally nurtured to ensure that students are ready for the greater vocabulary demands of reading complex texts and writing multi-paragraph essays, but we need to pay attention to cracks in the foundation and scaffold our lessons accordingly, or it all falls […]

Repurposing Levelled Literacy Intervention (LLI) – Content Library

Levelled Literacy Intervention (LLI) is a commonly used literacy intervention grounded in the ineffective three-cueing approach to reading instruction. In 2022, the Ontario Human Rights Commission found that LLI is ineffective, both from external research on its effectiveness and boards’ own data on student outcomes. […]

GECDSB Curriculum Aligned Mentor Texts

Thank you to Greater Essex County DSB for generously sharing this spreadsheet! It contains sets of texts aligned with content from the 4 frames (kindergarten), social studies and science curricula (grades 1 – 6), and history and geography curricula (grades 7 and 8).   These […]

Explicit Vocabulary Instruction Demonstration

In this video, Dr. Anita Archer models an explicit vocabulary lesson with older students. Note how Dr. Archer involves active participation: students are engaged throughout. Note also the high level of teacher-student interaction. See if you can count the number of « serve and return » interactions!

Cracking the Code: Understanding Vowel Spellings

English orthography often has a reputation of being overly complicated and too difficult for students to navigate. While the English writing system certainly is complex, there is a predictable and consistent structure that supports strong reading and writing. This structure must be taught explicitly and […]

Outils de manipulation « Pop-Its »

Les outils de manipulation « Pop-Its » sont utiles pour travailler la segmentation phonémique avec les élèves. Ces outils en format numérique peuvent être utilisés lors de modelages au tableau blanc interactif. On appuie sur une bulle à chaque phonème entendu. Les élèves peuvent ensuite utiliser de […]

Boîtes Elkonin

Les boîtes Elkonin permettent de développer des habiletés de conscience phonémique de façon multimodale lors de la segmentation des mots en phonèmes individuels. Pour utiliser des boîtes Elkonin, l’enfant écoute un mot et le répète. Ensuite, on l’amène à déplacer un cube ou à glisser […]

Boîtes Elkonin – Google Slides

Cette présentation numérique en format Google Slides contient des boîtes Elkonin qui mettent en évidence différentes structures syllabiques. Les cases en bleu représentent les sons consonantiques tandis que les cases en rouge représentent les sons vocaliques. En affichant les notes en bas des diapositives, vous […]