Teaching Resource

Teaching TV: Learning With Television

By Elizabeth Verrall Last updated 2024/05/27


In the “Teaching TV: Learning with Television” lesson from Elizabeth Verrall’s five-part unit for elementary classrooms, students are introduced to television as an informative source and its presentation from specific perspectives. The lesson aims to cultivate students’ ability to derive information from media, identify and use information from various sources, including television, recognize informative TV programs, and differentiate between factual content and fantasy elements. By achieving these objectives, the lesson enhances students’ media literacy skills, encouraging critical thinking, source evaluation, and discernment of content viewpoints, all in line with the curriculum’s educational goals.

Curriculum Connection

A1. Transferable Skills C1. Knowledge about Texts D2. Creating Texts
The lesson seamlessly integrates with the Ontario Language Curriculum, covering fundamental elements. It aligns with A1.1 Receptive and Expressive Communication, teaching adaptable skills for effective communication across diverse contexts. This skill application extends to reading, listening, viewing, and text creation. The lesson corresponds to C1.2 Text Forms and Genres by helping students recognize various literary and informational text forms and their related genres. It also dovetails with C1.4 Visual Elements of Texts, fostering an understanding of the relationship between illustrations, images, and text. Moreover, it connects with D1.2 Developing Ideas, guiding students in generating thoughts from different resources, including personal experiences and other subject areas. In line with D2.1 Producing Drafts, students craft diverse short texts using varied media and tools, enhancing communication skills while comprehending text structures and visual elements.
Grade(s): 1 2 3 4 5 6
Topic(s): ComprehensionMultimodal LiteracyWriting

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