Teaching Resource

Teaching TV: Film Production: Who Does What?

By Elizabeth Verrall Last updated 2024/05/27


The “Teaching TV: Film Production: Who Does What?” lesson, a component of Elizabeth Verrall’s five-part unit for elementary classrooms, offers educators a valuable framework for teaching TV. This lesson engages students in exploring the world of television and film production, fostering an understanding of the equipment used and the roles undertaken by various production team members. The lesson’s objectives include facilitating students’ practical grasp of specific media equipment’s operation and significance, introducing them to essential equipment operation, nurturing an awareness of the necessity for careful equipment handling, and instilling an understanding of the roles integral to film and television work. By achieving these outcomes, the lesson advances students’ media literacy. It cultivates hands-on skills, appreciation for technical nuances, and recognition of the collaborative nature underlying media and film production endeavours.

Curriculum Connection

A1. Transferable Skills A2. Digital Media Literacy C1. Knowledge about Texts
The "Teaching TV: Film Production: Who Does What?" lesson, a component of Elizabeth Verrall's five-part unit for elementary classrooms, offers educators a valuable framework for teaching TV. This lesson engages students in exploring the world of television and film production, fostering an understanding of the equipment used and the roles undertaken by various production team members. The lesson's objectives include facilitating students' practical grasp of specific media equipment's operation and significance, introducing them to essential equipment operation, nurturing an awareness of the necessity for careful equipment handling, and instilling an understanding of the roles integral to film and television work. By achieving these outcomes, the lesson advances students' media literacy. It cultivates hands-on skills, appreciation for technical nuances, and recognition of the collaborative nature underlying media and film production endeavours.
Grade(s): 1 2 3 4 5 6
Topic(s): ComprehensionMultimodal Literacy

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