
Structured Literacy in Kindergarten: 5 Key Changes That Made All My Students Readers

By IDA Ontario, Kate Winn Last updated 2024/05/24


This IDA Ontario webinar by Kate Winn focuses on 5 key changes that educators can make in their Kindergarten classroom. In this webinar Kate talks about screening, phonological and phonemic awareness, phoneme-grapheme correspondence, decodable texts, writing, and vocabulary/knowledge.

Curriculum Connection

1. Curriculum Context B2. Language Foundations for Reading and Writing B3. Language Conventions for Reading and Writing
This webinar provides educators with a starting point on how to make changes to their literacy instruction. It provides evidence-based instructions strategies in how to implement and teach Phonemic Awareness (B2), Alphabetic Knowledge (B2), Word-Level Reading and Spelling (B2), beginning writing, decodable texts, building students' knowledge and vocabulary, and the importance of early screening. 
Grade(s): K
Topic(s): Alphabetic KnowledgeApplying MorphologyApplying OrthographyApplying PhonicsPhonemic AwarenessSyntax and Sentence StructureVocabularyWord-Level Reading and Spelling
total length

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