This evidence-based planning guide will help educators of young children (K/1) and those who lead them to use the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support framework to enhance student development and success in literacy, language and the social-emotional domain. Chapter topics include using data-based decision making, engaging […]
In this series of videos, Dr. Andrea Fraser highlights key considerations for school boards and districts as they move to evidence-based assessment and data-based decision-making.
A needs assessment supports schools to systematically examine system strengths and weaknesses. This allows leaders to understand key needs and prioritize actionable steps to improve outcomes for all students.
Hear the story of dedicated educators working together to put in place a full MTSS framework (Tiers 1-3) to support ALL students. This webinar focuses on a partnership between Mount St. Joseph University and a local school; the main investigator and school administration share their […]
This video brought to you by Stephanie Stollar will clear up any confusion about universal screening and diagnostic assessment. Not only will you understand the differences, but you will also learn how the two work together to help guide instructional decisions in reading.
This book is “a comprehensive guide to what effective coaching looks like across the pre-K to 12 grade span and how to conduct powerful coaching cycles with teachers and teams”. It is research-driven, full of citations to support the coaching model (using alliance strategies, observing, […]
Kate welcomes Catherine Shawana, a member of Wiikwemkoong unceded territory, for a candid discussion about her First Nation school’s journey from balanced literacy to structured literacy, as well as a broader conversation about First Nations education. Catherine’s passions are rooted in the foundation of building Anishnawbek […]
This excellent, reader-friendly book helps bring the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework to life in the area of literacy, with 10 success factors to help elementary schools get results with MTSS. Success factors include “Group by Skill Deficit”, “Monitor Progress with an Appropriate Assessment”, […]
Dr. Stephanie Stollar discusses the role of Tier 1 instruction in MTSS as the best opportunity for preventing reading failure.
In this podcast episode, Kate Winn and guest Renata Archie dive into early reading screening: what is it, why is it needed, and most importantly, how it can inform instruction.
The Knowledge and Practice Standards define the knowledge and skills that all teachers of reading should possess to teach all students to read proficiently. These competencies can be used to guide professional development for educators.
Dr. Stephanie Stollar’s workshop on MTSS for IDA Ontario explores a more evidence-based systems framework that supports evidence-based systematic and explicit instruction. See Part 1 and Part 2. Use this Viewer Guide, developed by IDA Ontario, to support your learning, or to unpack content with […]