Seven Mighty Moves Book Study

Join Kate Winn for this four-part Saturday morning ONlit Book Study where we will delve into Lindsay Kemeny’s  Seven Mighty Moves: Research-Backed, Classroom-Tested Strategies to Ensure K-To-3 Reading Success. This research-based book full of practical applications is ideal for K-3 educators.  All are welcome to attend, from Ontario and beyond!

In each of the one-hour sessions, Kate will provide an overview of key takeaways from the « moves » for that week, and time will be allotted for breakout sessions with active discussion between educators. If this sounds like your cup of tea – or whatever morning beverage you enjoy – please sign up now! Sessions will not be recorded; feel free to join whenever you are available…and PJs are welcome!

Registering for any event in the series will automatically register you for all events. Join us on whichever dates you can!