
Big Sentences by Little Learners: Emergent Syntax & Grammar

Par Melinda Hinch (GECDSB) Dernière mise à jour 2024/05/27
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Keen to build oral language in early childhood? These slide decks were created and generously shared by Melinda Hinch, a Speech-Language Pathologist in Greater Essex County DSB. Each deck follows a scope and sequence of syntax and grammar structures, and uses an explicit « I do it, We do it, You do it » framework to build syntax through engaging, explicit oral instruction.

Consider them a precursor to the Syntax Project slide decks for grades 1 and up!

Note – this resource links to a Google Folder with slide decks set to « View Only. » To modify, download or make copies.

Oral language is foundational to all reading and writing! These slide decks support explicit instruction of oral syntax and grammar.

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