The Arc of Vocabulary: Oral Language Links to Comprehension for the Classroom Teacher

In this PaTTAN Literacy Symposium learning module, Judi Dodson explains oral language’s role in reading comprehension. She examines language development and its impact on reading comprehension and provides meaningful and practical activities that can be easily implemented in the classroom. A printout of the slides is included for future reference.

Distinguishing Between Difference, Disorder, and Disadvantage: Cultural Considerations for Diverse Readers

In this PaTTAN Literacy Symposium webinar, Dr. Lakeisha Johnson examines the differences between African-American English and mainstream American English and the relationship between oral language skills and African-American students. She discusses assessment and treatment practices that are culturally responsive. Dr. Johnson outlines the issues with confusing a linguistic difference with a linguistic disorder and provides…

Reading Comprehension Development and Difficulties: An Overview

In this International Dyslexia Association Perspectives article, Kate Cain explores the topic of reading comprehension and how language skills develop. The article explains how vocabulary acquisition, understanding of sentence structure and how sentences work together, the ability to infer and integrate information, and building a mental model of the text’s meaning while you are reading…

Supporting Reading Comprehension Development

In this International Dyslexia Association Perspectives article, authors Jane Oakhill and Kate Cain explore the factors supporting reading comprehension beyond basic decoding and suggest critical skills that should form the core of literacy instruction and interventions to support poor reading comprehension. The article outlines which skills are critical, such as teaching specific vocabulary words, how to…

Kate Winn Vocabulary & Comprehension Lesson 2: Hana’s Hundreds of Hijabs by Razeena Omar Gutta

In this vocabulary and comprehension lesson, Ontario Teacher Kate Winn provides a step-by-step lesson designed to increase and enhance vocabulary and comprehension. Using the picture book Hana’s Hundreds of Hijabs by Razeena Omar Gutta, this lesson plan provides detailed, explicit instruction on using vocabulary from the book and includes the blackline master for a follow-up writing activity.

Démystifier pour mieux intervenir : Décompte des mythes en littératie

Nous avons démystifié 10 mythes + 1 mythe boni pour que tous puissent intégrer les éléments appuyés par la science de la littératie à leur pratique pédagogique.

10 – la science de la littératie est un programme, produit ou intervention
9 – si tu peines à lire, tu DOIS avoir un TA en lecture
8 – mémoriser les mots fréquents = stratégie utile7 – on repart à zéro, même avec les élèves plus vieux
6 – il est utile d’évaluer la lecture avec une grille de GB+5 – la lecture se mesure à partir du # de mots lus par minute
4 – les Livres décodables sont monotones
3 – il suffit d’aimer lire pour apprendre à lire
2 – tous les programmes de lecture sont efficaces
1 – la progression d’enseignement des correspondances lettres-sons n’a pas d’importance