The Power of Content-Rich Vocabulary Instruction

In this International Dyslexia Association Perspectives article, authors Tanya S. Wright and Susan B. Neuman explore the topic of content-rich vocabulary instruction. The article explains why vocabulary instruction is essential and what it is. It provides five meaningful ways to increase vocabulary instruction in the […]


Un site web regorgeant d’information, de capsules d’enseignement et d’activités pour planifier votre enseignement explicite de la morphologie, du vocabulaire, de l’écriture et de la lecture.

Reading Comprehension Development and Difficulties: An Overview

In this International Dyslexia Association Perspectives article, Kate Cain explores the topic of reading comprehension and how language skills develop. The article explains how vocabulary acquisition, understanding of sentence structure and how sentences work together, the ability to infer and integrate information, and building a […]

Supporting Reading Comprehension Development

In this International Dyslexia Association Perspectives article, authors Jane Oakhill and Kate Cain explore the factors supporting reading comprehension beyond basic decoding and suggest critical skills that should form the core of literacy instruction and interventions to support poor reading comprehension. The article outlines which […]

Infographies qui accompagnent mes vidéos YouTube

Dans son site, balado et blogue, Chantal Mayer-Crittenden partage ses connaissances et ses découvertes! Effectivement, dans l’ensemble de ce site, elle partage des trucs, des informations, du matériel, des recherches, des vidéos et même son vécu sous forme de blogue.