Word Webs for Multiple Meanings
In this activity from FCRR, students use a web graphic to identify multiple meanings of target vocabulary words.
In this activity from FCRR, students use a web graphic to identify multiple meanings of target vocabulary words.
A word map is a graphic organizer that supports connections among vocabulary and ideas. This resource from TextProject provides Word Maps for core vocabulary – the most important words in written English. Three types of words maps are available for the core vocabulary: synonyms, morphology, and multiple meaning of words.
Keeping a vocabulary journal is a strategy for helping students apply their knowledge of new words. Research shows that writing supports memory of words because it requires the cognitive skills of retrieval and repetition. Their vocabulary journal can also be a reference for students to use as they write. And they can add to it…
Un dictionnaire de 52.000 entrées avec leur datation, leur origine, leur formation, une brève histoire de la langue française, du gaulois au français moderne, et tous les préfixes et suffixes servant à la formation lexicale. Un index alphabétique de 33.000 termes permet de retrouver facilement l’article dans lequel se trouve le mot recherché.
Ce gabarit de planification, inspiré de l’ouvrage de Dr. Anita Archer et Charles Hughes, permet de planifier l’enseignement explicite du vocabulaire et des concepts. En appliquant cette démarche, en plus des principes de l’enseignement explicite, les élèves seront en mesure de bien maîtriser et utiliser les mots nouveaux enseignées.
Ce site web contient des vidéos pour comprendre la notion du morphème, un outil pour aider à retenir, voire à deviner l’orthographe des termes scientifiques, de même que leur sens. Le site propose des activités, des listes de morphèmes et des pistes pédagogiques destinées aux enseignants et enseignantes.
Maya’s Book Nook is a website created by Speech-Language Pathologist Dr. Lakeisha Johnson. The Behind the Book section houses a bank of materials to accompany a diverse, culturally relevant children’s book. Equally useful for both parents/caregivers and educators, these handouts include target vocabulary words, as well as questions to support dialogic reading to build language comprehension.
Far too often, students who struggle with reading and language are given simplified, uninteresting texts. These texts are judged to be “at-the-students’ language or reading level” but deny students access to rich, interesting, age-appropriate text. This guidance document outlines some ideas for fostering conversations around “juicy sentences,” where students learn to deconstruct and reconstruct sentences,…
This book is a fantastic resource aligning closely with much of the new Ontario Language Curriculum and reinforcing how assessment can inform our instruction and interventions in order to best help students succeed in literacy. It’s valuable learning for classroom educators, those working in coaching/consulting roles and those in special education. While targeting skills typically…
Joan Sedita highlights the importance of vocabulary instruction, how vocabulary instruction supports reading comprehension, and characteristics of effective vocabulary instruction.
This webinar dives into morphology – what is it? Why is it important? When should you start to teach it? What are some instructional techniques? How is it related to etymology?
Tier 2 vocabulary words are words that are useful and necessary across different content areas or domains, but that may not be frequently used in oral language. Christopher Such, author of The Art and Science of Teaching Primary Reading, has assembled a list of Tier 2 vocabulary words for explicit instruction.
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