Implementation Stages Planning Tool Instructions

Whether using something new, successful implementation takes intentional planning and time. Implementation is not an event but a process involving multiple decisions and actions. Although implementation can take longer than we hope or anticipate, its process and trajectory can be predicted and shaped using a […]

Reading Road Trip – Book Guide (Season 3)

With each week’s episode of Reading Road Trip, host Kate Winn recommends a picture book created by an Indigenous author or illustrator. Catch up with the books recommended from Season 3, and consider adding some to your library today!

The Instructional Hierarchy

The Instructional Hierarchy is a model of skill acquisition. The hierarchy has been researched for decades – when we learn something new, we move through a series of predictable stages. Educators need to be aware of the instructional hierarchy since we are most effective when […]

La lecture au primaire: décodage (assemblage)

Cette procédure est la voie auditivo-verbale utilisant la conversion graphème-phonème.  Lorsqu’ils commencent l’apprentissage de la lecture, les élèves apprennent à décoder les mots en se servant de leur connaissance des lettres et des sons. Autrement dit, pour lire un mot nouveau, ils le prononcent à […]

Guide de mise en oeuvre de la lecture répétée

La lecture répétée est une méthode d’enseignement qui s’appuie sur de nombreuses recherches. Découvrez comment utiliser la lecture répétée dans votre class pour améliorer la fluidité des élèves grâce à ce guide de mise en oeuvre du Dr Stephanie Stollar.

Screening: What Principals Need to Know

On the recommendation of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, Ontario will be starting early reading screening in Fall 2024. This helpful handout clarifies the important role principals play in screening: the who, what, when, why, and how of early reading screening!

Dépistage de la lecture : une communication claire

Au fur et à mesure que le personnel enseignant et les conseils scolaires de l’Ontario apprennent davantage sur les dépistage, plusieurs questions communes sont apparues. Ce document vise à fournir un langage clair qui peut être utiliser pour répondre à ces questions. Il s’agit d’un […]

School Needs Assessment

A needs assessment supports schools to systematically examine system strengths and weaknesses. This allows leaders to understand key needs and prioritize actionable steps to improve outcomes for all students.

Reading Road Trip – Book Guide (Season 1)

With each week’s episode of Reading Road Trip, host Kate Winn recommends a picture book created by an Indigenous author or illustrator. Catch up with the books recommended from Season 1, and consider adding some to your library today!