Repeated Reading Demonstration
See how repeated reading, an evidence-based approach to building fluency, can be implemented in the classroom with this brief video from the Institute of Education Sciences.
See how repeated reading, an evidence-based approach to building fluency, can be implemented in the classroom with this brief video from the Institute of Education Sciences.
Morphological awareness is a skill that helps students read and spell. Teaching English morphemes, and building students’ awareness of morphemes in oral and written language, is key to supporting vocabulary, spelling, comprehension, and writing.
Cet article fait mention de quelques stratégies pour améliorer le décodage, la fluidité et la compréhension de lecture.
La littératie structurée consiste en un enseignement explicite, systématique qui met l’accent sur la conscience phonologique, l’identification et la structure des mots, la phonétique, le décodage, l’orthographe (lexicale et grammaticale) et la syntaxe relative à la lecture des phrases et des paragraphes. Cet exposé examinera chacune de ces composantes en fournissant des ressources pédagogiques permettant…
L’acquisition du vocabulaire est l’un des fondements essentiels à la réussite scolaire. Les enfants apprennent des nouveaux mots de vocabulaire de différentes façons. Comment savoir quels mots de vocabulaire cibler ? Cette capsule explique les différents niveaux de vocabulaire à considérer lorsque l’on tente d’aider un enfant à élargir son répertoire sémantique.
Repeated reading is an instructional routine with plenty of research support. Learn more about how to use repeated reading in your classroom to build students’ fluency with this implementation guide from Dr. Stephanie Stollar.
This is a comprehensive guide for morphology instruction – it explains the layers of the English language, walks through a suggested sequence of instruction, and includes sample lesson templates complete with word sums and matrices.
A word map is a graphic organizer that supports connections among vocabulary and ideas. This resource from TextProject provides Word Maps for core vocabulary – the most important words in written English. Three types of words maps are available for the core vocabulary: synonyms, morphology, and multiple meaning of words.
Talk moves are sentence starters that students use to join a class discussion – they encourage both academic thinking and social connectedness.
On this site, daily Intriguing Times pictures without captions are posted, offering an opportunity for rich discussion and conversation, building oral language skills.
These are the key ideas and principles guiding the ONlit team’s work. We hope they might be helpful for you, as well, as we collectively work toward shifting systems to allow all children realize their right to learn to read.
Joan Sedita, founder of Keys to Literacy, explains the two key steps students need to learn in the revision process when writing: thinking critically about what they have written and how they can make improvements and proofreading.
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Le financement de ces ressources est assuré par le ministère de l'Éducation. Veuillez noter que les opinions exprimées dans ces ressources sont celles d'ONlit et ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles du ministère de l'Éducation.
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