Coaching for Systems and Teacher Change

This book is “a comprehensive guide to what effective coaching looks like across the pre-K to 12 grade span and how to conduct powerful coaching cycles with teachers and teams”. It is research-driven, full of citations to support the coaching model (using alliance strategies, observing, […]

Reading Road Trip – Book Guide (Season 2)

With each week’s episode of Reading Road Trip, host Kate Winn recommends a picture book created by an Indigenous author or illustrator. Catch up with the books recommended from Season 2, and consider adding some to your library today!

Série de webinaires sur la morphologie

Cette série de webinaires en deux parties sur la morphologie explore les principes fondamentaux de la morphologie. La connaissance de la morphologie est importante pour soutenir la compréhension de la lecture, le vocabulaire, l’orthographe et l’écriture des élèves.a deux types de morphologie: flexionnelle et dérivationnelle. […]

Planning Effective Writing Assessments

This blog post by Joan Sedita of Keys to Literacy highlights the research behind creating specific product goals in writing, emphasizing that providing students with specific guidance on the task, audience, and purpose. A WAG template (Writing Assignment Guide) is provided, as well as completed […]

Repeated Reading Demonstration

See how repeated reading, an evidence-based approach to building fluency, can be implemented in the classroom with this brief video from the Institute of Education Sciences.

Les 3 niveaux de vocabulaire

L’acquisition du vocabulaire est l’un des fondements essentiels à la réussite scolaire. Les enfants apprennent des nouveaux mots de vocabulaire de différentes façons. Comment savoir quels mots de vocabulaire cibler ? Cette capsule explique les différents niveaux de vocabulaire à considérer lorsque l’on tente d’aider […]

Repeated Reading Implementation Guide

Repeated reading is an instructional routine with plenty of research support. Learn more about how to use repeated reading in your classroom to build students’ fluency with this implementation guide from Dr. Stephanie Stollar.

Teaching Morphology: Resource Kit

This is a comprehensive guide for morphology instruction – it explains the layers of the English language, walks through a suggested sequence of instruction, and includes sample lesson templates complete with word sums and matrices.

Vocabulary Word Maps

A word map is a graphic organizer that supports connections among vocabulary and ideas. This resource from TextProject provides Word Maps for core vocabulary – the most important words in written English. Three types of words maps are available for the core vocabulary: synonyms, morphology, […]