Enseignement explicite des règles

Gabarit de planification – Enseignement explicite des CGP, règles orthographiques ou grammaticales Ce gabarit de planification, inspiré de l’ouvrage de Dr. Anita Archer et Charles Hughes, permet de planifier l’enseignement explicite d’une règle orthographique, grammaticale ou autre à l’aide de 4 étapes claires et précises. En appliquant cette démarche, en plus des principes de l’enseignement…

La littératie au quotidien

Une banque d’activités pédagogiques permettant de développer trois des sphères du Référentiel en lecture : identification des mots, fluidité et compréhension. Inclut aussi plusieurs ressources illustrant des pratiques gagnantes pour l’apprentissage de la lecture de même que des outils permettant de suivre et d’évaluer le progrès des élèves.

Reading For Life: High Quality Literacy Instruction For All

In Reading For Life, author Lyn Stone holds nothing back when sharing research and best practices for literacy instruction, and outlining why some past beliefs and practices have to go for the sake of our students and their reading and writing development. Section 1 covers structured literacy components such as oral language, phonological awareness, phonics,…

Structured Literacy Infographic

This infographic provides a comprehensive visual guide to structured literacy, an evidence-based approach to teaching language and literacy. By illustrating both the « how » and « what » of structured literacy, the infographic serves as a valuable resource for educators committed to fostering strong foundational literacy skills in all learners. To support printing, there is both a dark…

Maya’s Book Nook: Beyond the Book Resources

Maya’s Book Nook is a website created by Speech-Language Pathologist Dr. Lakeisha Johnson. The Behind the Book section houses a bank of materials to accompany a diverse, culturally relevant children’s book. Equally useful for both parents/caregivers and educators, these handouts include target vocabulary words, as well as questions to support dialogic reading to build language comprehension.

Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children’s Books

Children’s books reflect the attitudes in our society about diversity, power relationships among different groups of people, and various social identities (e.g., racial, ethnic, gender, economic class, sexual orientation, and disability). The visual and verbal messages young children absorb from books (and other media) heavily influence their ideas about themselves and others. Depending on the…