Qu’est-ce que la dyslexie ?

Cette affiche informative aide le personnel enseignant à comprendre ce qu’est la dyslexie. Elle met en évidence les signes de la dyslexie, dissipe les mythes les plus répandus et aborde les « causes » sous-jacentes. Créée pour sensibiliser le public à l’occasion du Mois de la sensibilisation à la dyslexie, l’affiche valorise la connaissance et…

10 Success Factors for Literacy Intervention: Getting Results with MTSS in Elementary Schools

This excellent, reader-friendly book helps bring the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework to life in the area of literacy, with 10 success factors to help elementary schools get results with MTSS. Success factors include “Group by Skill Deficit”, “Monitor Progress with an Appropriate Assessment”, “Use Intervention Time Wisely” and “Invest in Professional Development”. This…

Thinking Reading: What Every Secondary Teacher Needs to Know About Reading

This reader-friendly book, written by two educators, provides great background and professional learning related to reading development, and particularly how it applies in the older grades. While the title includes the word « secondary », junior and intermediate teachers in Ontario could all benefit from reading this book. Information includes how we learn to read and misconceptions…