Stratégies pour l’écriture manuscrite et améliorer les habiletés en littératie

L’écriture manuscrite est une tâche fonctionnelle, mais complexe qui permet, par l’action réciproque de processus perceptivo-moteurs simples et de processus cognitifs de haut niveau, de communiquer des pensées à l’aide d’un code écrit (Abbott et Berninger, 1993; Overvelde et Hulstijn, 2011). Il s’agit d’une compétence dont l’enfant a besoin pour participer pleinement aux activités scolaires…


Un site web regorgeant de l’information, des capsules d’enseignement et des activités pour planifier l’enseignement explicite de la morphologie, du vocabulaire, de l’écriture et de la lecture.

Evidence-Based Vocabulary Instruction for English Learners

In this International Dyslexia Association Perspectives article, author Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan highlights considerations for multi-lingual learners around vocabulary instruction and provides evidence-based instructional practices to support their progress. The article explains the need for morphological instruction and support for middle school students and outlines special considerations for language development for multi-lingual learners.

Les pratiques d’enseignement au cours préparatoire

Fondée sur une revue internationale de la littérature comportant entre autres les résultats de travaux anglo-saxons et de la recherche Lire et écrire au CP, cette note de synthèse traite des pratiques d’enseignement de la lecture-écriture au cours préparatoire favorables aux élèves faibles. Elle rappelle l’importance d’augmenter le temps d’engagement dans des tâches de lecture-écriture…

The Role of Complex Sentence Knowledge in Children with Reading and Writing Difficulties

In this International Dyslexia Association Perspectives article, Dr. Cheryl Scott and Dr. Catherine Balthazar, discuss the research about sentences as a unit of oral and written language.  They discuss sentence complexity, how to identify students at risk for syntactic problems, and intervention practices to support these students.

The Arc of Vocabulary: Oral Language Links to Comprehension for the Classroom Teacher

In this PaTTAN Literacy Symposium learning module, Judi Dodson explains oral language’s role in reading comprehension. She examines language development and its impact on reading comprehension and provides meaningful and practical activities that can be easily implemented in the classroom. A printout of the slides is included for future reference.

Distinguishing Between Difference, Disorder, and Disadvantage: Cultural Considerations for Diverse Readers

In this PaTTAN Literacy Symposium webinar, Dr. Lakeisha Johnson examines the differences between African-American English and mainstream American English and the relationship between oral language skills and African-American students. She discusses assessment and treatment practices that are culturally responsive. Dr. Johnson outlines the issues with confusing a linguistic difference with a linguistic disorder and provides…

Teaching Spelling: An Opportunity to Unveil the Logic of Language

Moats emphasizes the importance of spelling knowledge and language understanding in literacy development in this article. It highlights that spelling is not just about memorizing letters but involves various language aspects like pronunciation, spelling, meaning, and grammatical structure. Good spellers possess comprehensive mental images of words, while poor spellers may lack accuracy and completeness. Moats…