Apprendre le français autrement : Enseignons les connaissances morphologiques

Ce site est né du souhait d’améliorer l’apprentissage du français chez des de différents groupes d’âge, typiquement développé.es ou aux besoins particuliers en mettant l’emphase sur le développement des connaissances morphologiques. Ce site est le résultat des efforts de plusieurs experts de milieux variés […]

Dominance orthographique

Voici un tableau qui regroupe les régularités orthographiques en français. À partir du tableau, on propose des ressources supplémentaire pour avoir plus d’information par rapport à chaque régularité orthographique mentionnée.

Développer la fluidité et la compréhension en lecture

Ce tableau a pour but principal de faire l’exploration des règles de dominances orthographiques les plus fréquentes en lien avec le cadre orthographique. Ces dominances servent au professionnel afin d’élargir sa connaissance du cadre orthographique et planifier l’enseignement explicite.

Strive-For-Five Conversations

Oral language is the cornerstone of literacy, and this reader-friendly book provides a tool – the « Strive-For-Five » framework – to help educators extend conversations with students to help support speaking, vocabulary, reasoning and other skills. Chapters include « Creating Classroom Routines for Strive-for-Five Conversations », « Choosing Books […]

Big Words For Young Readers

In this book, Heidi Mesmer shares research-backed strategies to support teachers as they move students beyond basic phonics and decoding short words. It’s easy to follow with lots of graphics, sidebars, resources accessible by QR code and appendices. Part I of the book breaks down […]

Acadience Reading K-2 Data Sheets

This Google Sheets document is designed to support K-2 educators in analyzing their Acadience reading data. It features a dedicated sheet for each grade level at each time window, allowing educators to input raw scores. The document automatically compares raw scores to benchmark scores, colour […]

MTSS: Raising Reading Outcomes

Hear the story of dedicated educators working together to put in place a full MTSS framework (Tiers 1-3) to support ALL students. This webinar focuses on a partnership between Mount St. Joseph University and a local school; the main investigator and school administration share their […]

Teaching TV: Learning With Television

In the « Teaching TV: Learning with Television » lesson from Elizabeth Verrall’s five-part unit for elementary classrooms, students are introduced to television as an informative source and its presentation from specific perspectives. The lesson aims to cultivate students’ ability to derive information from media, identify and […]

Teaching TV: Television Techniques

The « Teaching TV: Television Techniques » lesson, a component of Elizabeth Verrall’s comprehensive five-part unit for elementary education, offers educators valuable insights for incorporating TV education in classrooms. By guiding students in creating their own media productions, the lesson imparts a practical understanding of how technology […]

Teaching TV: Film Production: Who Does What?

The « Teaching TV: Film Production: Who Does What? » lesson, a component of Elizabeth Verrall’s five-part unit for elementary classrooms, offers educators a valuable framework for teaching TV. This lesson engages students in exploring the world of television and film production, fostering an understanding of the […]