Enseignement explicite: pratiques et stratégies

Les fondamentaux de la formation à l’enseignement explicite : en théorie et en pratique. Pour choisir ses pratiques pédagogiques, tout enseignant est confronté à une multitude d’informations de qualité variable. Certaines reposent sur des traditions ou encore des opinions, tandis que d’autres reposent sur des […]

Gabarit de planification – Enseignement explicite d’une règle

Ce gabarit de planification, inspiré de l’ouvrage de Dr. Anita Archer et Charles Hughes, permet de planifier l’enseignement explicite d’une règle orthographique, grammaticale ou autre à l’aide de 4 étapes claires et précises. En appliquant cette démarche, en plus des principes de l’enseignement explicite, les […]

Syntax: Knowledge to Practice

This book, from the Literacy How Professional Learning Series, covers relevant research, knowledge that educators need, activities, assessment and information on selecting and using texts to support syntax instruction in the classroom. Classroom educators from K-3 and those who provide intervention for older learners would […]

Juicy Sentence Guidance

Far too often, students who struggle with reading and language are given simplified, uninteresting texts. These texts are judged to be “at-the-students’ language or reading level” but deny students access to rich, interesting, age-appropriate text. This guidance document outlines some ideas for fostering conversations around […]

Syntax Knowledge to Practice

In the webinar, Margie Gillis and Nancy Eberhardt explored the effective use of syntax in teaching reading and writing. The webinar highlighted the role syntax plays in enhancing language and literacy. Gillis and Eberhardt highlight a « function-first » approach to teaching syntax, a key element of […]

Sortegories from Sound to Syntax

In this webinar, Nancy Hennessy, Nancy Eberhardt and Sheryl Ferlito unpack syntax instruction. This webinar provides a high-level overview of best practices for syntax instruction. Hennessy and Eberhardt highlight a « function-first » approach that is aligned with the Ontario curriculum – instead of naming and identifying […]

Syntax and Grammar Slide Decks: Grade 4 (The Syntax Project)

The Syntax Project is an open-source collection of grammar and syntax lessons created by a group of Australian teachers. Melinda Hinch, SLP in Greater Essex County DSB, has adapted the slides to incorporate Canadian content and aligned them with the B3 Language Conventions Continuum. Note […]

Syntax and Grammar Slide Decks: Grade 3 (The Syntax Project)

The Syntax Project is an open-source collection of grammar and syntax lessons created by a group of Australian teachers. Melinda Hinch, SLP in Greater Essex County DSB, has adapted the slides to incorporate Canadian content and aligned them with the B3 Language Conventions Continuum. Note […]

Syntax and Grammar Slide Decks: Grade 2 (The Syntax Project)

The Syntax Project is an open-source collection of grammar and syntax lessons created by a group of Australian teachers. Melinda Hinch, SLP in Greater Essex County DSB, has adapted the slides to incorporate Canadian content and aligned them with the B3 Language Conventions Continuum. Note […]