
Decodable Text: Training Wheels for Reading

Par Reading Horizons Dernière mise à jour 2024/05/27
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This podcast episode explores decodable text as training wheels for early readers. These texts feature phonetically regular words and consistent spelling patterns, providing a structured approach to learning to read. Kemeny emphasizes their importance in building strong phonics and decoding skills, boosting reading fluency and confidence. Decodable texts are introduced in the early stages of reading instruction and gradually phased out as students become proficient in decoding and sight words. Educators can make the process engaging through interactive activities and relatable stories. The goal is for students to transition to authentic texts when they have developed solid decoding skills and a growing sight word vocabulary. Effective use of decodable texts ensures a smooth and enjoyable journey towards reading fluency for young learners.

Language Foundations in Reading and Writing, Word-Level Reading and Spelling: Applying Phonics, Orthographic, and Morphological Knowledge Grade 1: B2.4, B2.5, B2.6; Grades 2–3: B2.1, B2.2, B2.3; Grade 4: B2.1.  Reading and spelling CVC, CCVC, CVCC, CCVCC, and CVCe words made of phonics patterns they have learned;  Consolidating phonics knowledge in word reading and spelling increasingly complex multisyllabic words, with developing automaticity; applying word reading and spelling skills to complex multisyllabic words, with increasing automaticity; Applying developing phonological, grapheme-phoneme correspondence, orthographic, and morphological knowledge to decode and spell words with irregularities; Memorizing irregular grapheme-phoneme correspondences for instances where phonological, orthographic, and morphological information cannot be used through meaningful practice, multiple exposures  to the word, and explicit instruction, instead of memorizing words as whole units.

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