Screening: What Principals Need to Know
ZoomA short webinar and Q&A for principals Join us for a comprehensive session outlining the essentials of reading screeners and their administration within your schools. This event is designed to...
A short webinar and Q&A for principals Join us for a comprehensive session outlining the essentials of reading screeners and their administration within your schools. This event is designed to...
Effective literacy instruction begins with understanding the unique needs of every student. This workshop explores the crucial roles of universal screening and diagnostic assessments in informing teaching strategies and supporting...
Pour enseigner la lecture et l'écriture de manière efficace, il est essentiel de comprendre les besoins spécifiques de chaque élève. Cet atelier aborde le rôle essentiel du dépistage universel...
Laura Bross, ONlit team member and Grade 2/3 classroom educator, will provide an overview of Language block planning. She will discuss how evidenced-informed practices and essential literacy skills guide her...
Join Dr. Andrea Fraser for this Professional Learning Community for board central teams - an opportunity to develop and deepen knowledge in literacy leadership. This series will support participants in...
Après avoir administré un dépistage précoce universel des compétences en lecture, comment le personnel scolaire peut-il interpréter les données probantes afin de fournir un enseignement explicite, une intervention ciblée et...
After a universal screening assessment, how can K-6 educators translate the results into evidence-based instruction, targeted interventions, and improved reading outcomes? Join Jordan Sloan to dig deeper into Susan...
All kindergarten educators are welcome to join Kate Winn for these virtual drop-in sessions, which will include a brief presentation/professional development on a hot kindergarten topic, followed by more informal...
Cette communauté d'apprentissage et de réseautage est conçue pour renforcer les compétences en leadership pédagogique en littératie. Rejoignez Chantal Lafontaine et d'autres professionnels en poste de leadership, tels que les...
Alors que nous mettons en place le dépistage de la lecture au sein de nos écoles cet automne, nous savons que vous avez des questions sur la mise en œuvre,...
Join us for an engaging book study on Strive for Five Conversations by Sonia Q. Cabell and Tricia A. Zucker, hosted by Melissa Monette Smith. These sessions will explore a...
Rejoignez-nous cet automne pour une étude de livre captivante sur Strive for Five Conversations par Sonia Q. Cabell et Tricia A. Zucker, animée par Michelle Courville. Ces sessions exploreront un...
Funding for is provided by the Ministry of Education. Please note that the views expressed in these resources are the views of ONlit and do not necessarily reflect those of the Ministry of Education.
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