Screening: What Principals Need to Know

Virtual Event Virtual Event

A short webinar and Q&A for principals Join us for a comprehensive session outlining the essentials of reading screeners and their administration within your schools. This event is designed to...

Data-Informed Teaching: Strategies for Success


Effective literacy instruction begins with understanding the unique needs of every student. This workshop explores the crucial roles of universal screening and diagnostic assessments in informing teaching strategies and supporting...

Language Block Planning in Grade 2/3


Laura Bross, ONlit team member and Grade 2/3 classroom educator, will provide an overview of Language block planning. She will discuss how evidenced-informed practices and essential literacy skills guide her...

Club de lecture d’été : Next STEPS


Après avoir administré un dépistage précoce universel des compétences en lecture, comment le personnel scolaire peut-il interpréter les données probantes afin de fournir un enseignement explicite, une intervention ciblée et de meilleurs résultats en lecture ?   Rejoignez Jordan Sloan pour approfondir vos connaissances des outils d'évaluation en lecture: le dépistage précoce universel, l’évaluation diagnostique...

Event Series Summer Book Club: Next STEPS

Summer Book Club: Next STEPS


After a universal screening assessment, how can K-6 educators translate the results into evidence-based instruction, targeted interventions, and improved reading outcomes?   Join Jordan Sloan to dig deeper into Susan Smartt and Deborah Glaser’s Next STEPS in Literacy Instruction: Connecting Assessment to Effective Interventions.   Together, we will explore each chapter, building around the big...

Event Series Strive for Five Conversations: Book Study

Strive for Five Conversations: Book Study


Join us for an engaging book study on Strive for Five Conversations by Sonia Q. Cabell and Tricia A. Zucker, hosted by Melissa Monette Smith. These sessions will explore a framework for extending conversations with students from Kindergarten through Grade 8 to accelerate language comprehension and support academic growth. Participants will collaborate and engage in...

Event Series Soutien en cinq: Étude de livre

Soutien en cinq : Étude de livre


Rejoignez-nous cet automne pour une étude de livre captivante sur Strive for Five Conversations par Sonia Q. Cabell et Tricia A. Zucker, animée par Michelle Courville. Ces sessions exploreront un cadre pour prolonger les conversations avec les élèves de la maternelle à la 8e année, visant à accélérer la compréhension du langage et à soutenir...