Grammar on the Go

Grammar on the Go is a playlist of some foundational grammar concepts covered in the new Ontario Language Arts Curriculum (2003) for Grades 1-9.  The video series focuses on nouns (common, proper, singular, plural), verbs (past, present, future, progressive, perfect tenses), pronouns (first person, second person, third person), gerunds, adjectives (common, proper, comparative, superlative, pronoun…

Structured Journal Template

This structured journal template, based on the work of David Liben and Meredith Liben, can be used to introduce students to the use of structured journals in their close reading of texts. While this work can be started orally with younger students, this template will be best-suited for Grades 3 and up. Before using this…

Repurposing Levelled Literacy Intervention (LLI) – Content Library

With shifts to literacy instruction and intervention and the revised 2023 Language curriculum, many schools have unused Levelled Literacy Intervention books in their book rooms. While LLI isn’t an evidence-based literacy intervention and doesn’t meet the needs of struggling readers, the individual texts can be repurposed to support structured literacy instruction. Developed by Catherine Shawana…

Students With Autism: How To Improve Language, Literacy and Academic Success

This resource is for all educators who work with students with autism. While many books on this topic focus on social and behavioural needs, this book offers a comprehensive focus on curriculum and instruction for this population of students. Early chapters on characteristics of autism and how core deficits affect language and learning are valuable…

How Learning Happens: Seminal Works in Educational Psychology and What They Mean in Practice

How Learning Happens is broken down into 28 short chapters, each one focusing on an important element of educational research. The format of each chapter with consistent sections (Why you should read this article, Abstract of the article, The article, Conclusions/implications of the work for educational practice, and How to use this work in your…