Lessons Learned Through a Statewide Implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Support

In this International Dyslexia Association Perspectives article, Steve Goodman discusses the successful implementation of a Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) in schools through an Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative. The article presents five key lessons from scaling up MTSS, including defining MTSS clearly, using data and focusing on outcomes, strategic scaling, investing in local implementation capacity, and aligning MTSS with other key initiatives. Goodman emphasizes the ongoing nature of the implementation process and the significance of supporting educators for effective MTSS implementation and improved student success. The article offers valuable insights for education policymakers and practitioners.

Effective Universal Instruction: An Action-Oriented Approach to Improving Tier 1

Within a multi-tiered system of supports, instruction begins at the Tier 1 whole group level, and this book is a guide to making that Tier as effective as possible. MTSS can be applied to social-emotional and academic areas, including literacy, making this title an excellent support to the new Language curriculum. The book guides educators and leaders through a team-based and cyclical action plan based on questions around determining the effectiveness of current universal instruction with various assessments, what needs must be addressed, how they will be addressed, identifying barriers to effective Tier 1 implementation, how effectiveness of improvements to instruction can be monitored/measured, and whether improvements have ultimately been effective. Many reproducibles are included, such as meeting agendas and problem-solving checklists. Administrators will find great value in this book to aid their role as instructional leaders, as will consultants and coaches who support schools.

Morphological Awareness Strategies for the General and Special Education Classroom: A Vehicle for Vocabulary Enhancement

In this article from the International Dyslexia Association Perspectives, Susan M. Ebbers discusses the significance of teaching vocabulary through morphology and presents practical strategies for instruction. The focus is on morphemes, including prefixes, suffixes, and roots, which are vital in conveying meaning and facilitating vocabulary growth. The author emphasizes the need for explicit instruction in morphology to foster students’ morphological awareness, a metalinguistic insight that aids in understanding word structure and meanings. Ebbers suggests introducing morphemic analysis gradually, starting with familiar affixes and base words. Incorporating context clues and multisensory activities can reinforce morphological knowledge. By nurturing morphological awareness, students can enhance their vocabulary and comprehension skills, improving their reading, writing, and communication abilities.

The Writing Rope: A Framework for Explicit Writing Instruction in All Subjects

Along with research on effective writing instruction, author Joan Sedita shares her Writing Rope model identifying five components of a comprehensive writing curriculum: critical thinking, syntax, text structure, writing craft and transcription. There are chapters exploring each in detail, with an abundance of ideas for classroom application. The Writing Rope is geared towards Grade 4-8 teachers and provides excellent support for expectations under B2 and B3 as well as Strand D of the Ontario Language curriculum. The framework can – and should – be used for writing in various content areas as well, making it ideal for all Grade 4-8 teachers, not just those who teach Language. The book comes with a code for purchasers to download dozens of supporting teacher and student resources.

The Connections Between Writing, Knowledge Acquisition, and Reading Comprehension

In this International Dyslexia Association Perspectives article, Judith C. Hochman and Natalie Wexler discuss why writing is challenging and how educators can teach these skills effectively to their students. They discuss sentence-level activities, embedding writing instruction in content knowledge, and how to prepare students for lengthier writing.  

Why Children Should Be Taught to Read with More Challenging Texts

In this International Dyslexia Association Perspectives article, Timothy Shanahan discusses the importance of using challenging texts with students and outlines teacher supports that can be used to facilitate learning. Along with providing historical context for the use of leveled readers, Shanahan explores the role of instructional supports in aiding students while they persevere through challenging text noting that students with a “steady diet of relatively easy texts…would be provided fewer opportunities for dealing with sophisticated vocabulary, morphology, complex syntax, subtle
cohesive links, complicated structures, and richer and deeper

Secondary Reading: Implementing High-Leverage Practices

This PaTTAN webinar featuring Dr. Anita Archer focuses on five high-leverage practices that you can use in your classroom everyday and across multiple content areas. Dr. Archer takes the audience through each routine with lots of examples and opportunities for practice. Grounded in explicit instruction, Dr. Archer shows how foundational skills as well as higher-order critical thinking skills can be brought together in a dynamic and systematic approach to teaching and learning. If you are an elementary educator, do not be fooled by the title, as ‘Secondary’ in the United States is for students in Grades 6 – 12. However, the information and knowledge from this webinar can be used in any classroom, K-12.

Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching

A key component of the 2023 Language curriculum is explicit, systematic instruction. In this book, experts Anita Archer and Charles Hughes share the foundations of explicit instruction, how to design lessons based on subject skills/strategies as well as vocabulary/concepts, organizing for and delivering instruction, and providing appropriate independent practice – going from I do, to we do, to you do. This book is incredible learning for classroom educators as well as special education teachers/interventionists, and can be applied to any subject or grade level. Helpful lesson templates/checklists can be downloaded and reproduced. 

Kate Winn Vocabulary & Comprehension Lesson 2: Hana’s Hundreds of Hijabs by Razeena Omar Gutta

In this vocabulary and comprehension lesson, Ontario Teacher Kate Winn provides a step-by-step lesson designed to increase and enhance vocabulary and comprehension. Using the picture book Hana’s Hundreds of Hijabs by Razeena Omar Gutta, this lesson plan provides detailed, explicit instruction on using vocabulary from the book and includes the blackline master for a follow-up writing activity.

Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Literacy Classroom

In this learning module from the PaTTAN Literacy Symposium, consultants Kirsten DeRoche and Lauren Lutz prepare educators to provide culturally responsive instruction. They discuss the importance of designing and delivering culturally responsive literacy practices that support all students within an MTSS framework. The module explores what culturally responsive teaching is, why it is needed, and what culturally responsive teaching looks like in the classroom.