Dr. Stephanie Stollar highlights ideas for using Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) assessment data for screening, designing instruction, and monitoring progress in the junior grades.
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Dr. Stephanie Stollar provides insight into the ways in which ORF (Oral Language Fluency) screening assessments can support educators to gain a better understanding of where their students are at in the development of their reading skills. The goal should always be for all students to work towards becoming fluent readers. The Acadience Screening Measures is a quick way to see if students are on track to meet milestones in their reading journey.
Dr. Stephanie Stollar clearly lays out the purpose and value of ORF as a screener and for progress monitoring, how it can be used to inform teachers about student needs (or where to dig deeper), instruction and grouping. So much can be gained from a quick, valid and reliable screener!
ORF to help you differentiate and know where to start progress monitoring.
Also works for higher grades to indicate skills of students that can help you identify patterns.
4 likely groups include:
a) those right on track
b) those accurate and fluent, but still not indicating they understand what they are reading – some kind of misalignment needing additional assessment – Acadience reading diagnostic might be necessary
c) accurate but not yet fluent – good contenders for repeated reading;
d) not accurate- must go deeper with assessments. Must also go back to see where it begins.
This video was very helpful to explain how to interpret the data you get through using an ORF and goes you would use the data to group students for intervention.