
Home Reading Materials

Par Jenni vanRees & the Blue Heron team Dernière mise à jour 2024/05/27
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Fostering partnerships between school and home is key to supporting strong student outcomes. Jenni vanRees and other educators at Blue Heron Public School (WRDSB) have created this collection of materials to support a home reading program aligned with structured literacy and the science of reading. The materials include:

  • a letter home to parents and caregivers
  • a bookmark with comprehension questions for discussion
  • home practice materials for kindergarten students
  • an example folder (with « I Can Read » and « Read Together » sections) and label templates
  • a video to explain the program
To develop strong foundational language and literacy skills, students need consistent practice. These materials support educators to empower parents and caregivers to support language and literacy development.

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