
Printing Practice with Embedded Picture Mnemonics

Par Jenni vanRees Dernière mise à jour 2025/03/08
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This slidedeck is created for teachers to use with their students to focus on letter names, sounds and printing formation. Using ONLit’s Embedded Picture Mnemonics videos and Printing Like a Pro printing sheets, this slide deck explicitly teaches each letter name, sound and printing formation (in order of ease of formation). Using this slidedeck with the printing practice sheets utilizes a « I do, we do, you do » approach. Use with a projector on a whiteboard (or something similar), so modelling can happen in front of the students.

Printing practice sheets can be found from Printing like a Pro:

This resource supports the teaching and learning of foundation reading and writing skills to focus on the name, sound and formation of each letter. It connects with the B2 strand for foundation literacy skills as well as the D2 strand for printing appropriate formation patterns, size, placement, and spacing.

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