With shifts to literacy instruction and intervention and the revised 2023 Language curriculum, many schools have unused Levelled Literacy Intervention books in their book rooms. While LLI isn’t an evidence-based literacy intervention and doesn’t meet the needs of struggling readers, the individual texts can be repurposed to support structured literacy instruction. Developed by Catherine Shawana of the ONlit team, this spreadsheet categorizes texts from the LLI program to be used to build vocabulary and knowledge. Each text was carefully analysed to find links to Ontario curriculum expectations and content areas. Educators can use this document to build conceptually coherent text sets, thoughtfully assembling a set of texts either to read aloud or for students to read. Text sets allow for purposeful instruction to build content knowledge and vocabulary.
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I love this and it would be so advantageous for our school… however, I teach in Alberta. Is there a version of this matching the new Alberta Science curriculum?
Hi Erin – since ONlit is an Ontario website, unfortunately we are not able to create resources for other provincial curricula.
Hello —
I’m wondering if the creators of this resource have mislabelled the resources in the Purple LLI kit as « Teal »? The Purple Kit hasn’t been covered here and the Teal Kit was discontinued a few years ago.
Thank you so much. A very timely and comprehensive resource!