Apprendre la morphologie dérivationnelle pour mieux orthographier

Apprendre à orthographier est une des habiletés permettant d’avoir accès à la lecture-écriture (McLaughlin et coll., 2013). Toutefois, pour plusieurs élèves, cet apprentissage s’avère ardu. Cet article présente le contexte d’une recherche portant sur l’intervention menée auprès d’élèves dysorthographiques. Ces élèves ont des difficultés persistantes au niveau de la production des mots écrits. En fait,…

Foundations for Literacy: An Evidence-based Toolkit for the Effective Reading and Writing Teacher

This resource has been compiled by a group of Canadian language and literacy experts. It is organized into three primary segments. First, it highlights the essential information educators should possess about various research types, enabling them to stay well-informed and knowledgeable about the connection between language, reading, and writing instruction. The next section focuses on…

Morphology for Meaning

Melinda Hinch, Speech-Language Pathologist at Greater Essex County DSB, has adapted morphology lessons from The Morphology Project, an open-source series of lessons developed by a group of teachers and school leaders in Australia. This is a series of slides to teach grades 1 – 3 students the affixes listed in the Language Foundations Continuum.