REWARDS Training Videos

REWARDS is a research-validated, specialized reading intervention program designed for students in junior, intermediate and senior grades. This YouTube playlists contains training videos for several versions of the program: REWARDS Intermediate, REWARDS Secondary, and REWARDS Social Studies.

Enseignement explicite: pratiques et stratégies

Les fondamentaux de la formation à l’enseignement explicite : en théorie et en pratique. Pour choisir ses pratiques pédagogiques, tout enseignant est confronté à une multitude d’informations de qualité variable. Certaines reposent sur des traditions ou encore des opinions, tandis que d’autres reposent sur des […]

What is Data-Based Individualization?

Intensive intervention helps students with severe and persistent learning needs, including students with learning disabilities. Data-based individualization is an approach to intensive intervention. This website provides an outline of the steps of data-based individualization, walking educators through each step.

A Case Study of Successful Early Screening and Intervention

In this International Dyslexia Association Perspectives article, author Linda S. Siegel describes the implementation of an early screening and intervention project in British Columbia, the results, and lessons learned. The article outlines the Response to Intervention (RTI) framework that was implemented, including the risk identification […]

Evidence-Based Assessment in the Science of Reading

This article is a starting point for understanding how assessment for learning plays a critical role in informing and driving instruction in literacy. This read provides information about evidence-based assessment practices, including screening, diagnostic, and progress monitoring. This article will help develop an understanding of […]

Graphone (révisé et gratuit)

Ce matériel pédagogique, basé sur des données issues de la recherche et gratuit, vise l’enseignement des correspondances graphèmes-phonèmes. La ressource contient, entre autres, un Guide pédagogique, des Cartons de lecture et des Cahiers de l’élève. Il est primordial de lire le Guide pédagogique afin de […]