The Power of Text Sets

In this 2-page handout from Achieve the Core, you will learn all about text sets: what they are, why they are important, where to source some, and how to build your own.

Comparing Real Families to TV Families

In this lesson, students delve into how media constructs reality through the lens of TV families, paralleling them with their real-life counterparts—personal and peer families. The session commences with a survey of students’ beloved family-oriented TV shows and their allures. Organized in groups, students opt […]

Adversmarts: Introduction to Food Advertising Online

In this lesson, students grasp online advertising’s essence and marketers’ creation of captivating virtual spaces for children. After learning advertising techniques, students partake in an online game, practically simulating a website promoting the fictional cereal Co-Co Crunch. This hands-on exercise applies learned strategies, showcasing comprehension […]

Can You Spot the Ad?

During this lesson, students will explore branded content and develop the ability to distinguish between branded and non-branded images and videos online and offline. This distinction will be cultivated through a series of questions and interactive discussions.

Adversmarts: Understanding Food Advertising Online

This instructional content is tailored for educators guiding students through the lesson, equipping them to explore online advertising, understand marketers’ strategies, and engage critically in media literacy discussions. During the session, students grasp online advertising concepts, observing how marketers create immersive digital environments for children. […]

Break the Fake Lesson Plan: What’s in the Frame?

This instructional content is tailored for educators guiding students through the lesson. It introduces students to the concept that media can be misleading and encourages exploration of how creators intentionally frame media presentations, prompting contemplation of what remains beyond the scope. The objectives of this […]

Break the Fake: What’s real online?

This tailored instructional content guides educators in facilitating a lesson where students confront the challenges of discerning genuine from false online information. Through structured steps, students learn to verify online content and then creatively synthesize their understanding by designing a poster that underscores the importance […]

Girls and Boys on Television

This tailored instructional content guides educators in facilitating a lesson where students discuss children’s television programming and its portrayal of gender roles. Through discussions, students identify unfavourable aspects in these portrayals and craft their TV characters that challenge these negative representations. The lesson draws from […]

Enseigner à lire et évaluer la lecture avec les livres décodables

Ce webinaire de 20 minutes et le guide d’accompagnement comprennent:

– une comparaison entre les types de Livres
– des gabarits de planification pour le cycle préparatoire (maternelle et jardin d’enfants) et le cycle primaire (1re à la 3e année)
– comment planifier ses activités pédagogiques : que faire avant, pendant et après la lecture
– comment mesurer la réussite en lecture
– des outils pour faciliter l’enseignement de la lecture
– des fiches pédagogiques pour mieux exploiter les Livres décodables
– lire des Livres décodables en suivant la progression des apprentissages AlphaGraphe- un relevé des apprentissages de la maternelle et du jardin d’enfants (exemples d’énoncés pouvant êtreinsérés au bulletin)
– un gabarit de lettre à envoyer aux parents