Vocabulary Word Maps

A word map is a graphic organizer that supports connections among vocabulary and ideas. This resource from TextProject provides Word Maps for core vocabulary – the most important words in written English. Three types of words maps are available for the core vocabulary: synonyms, morphology, and multiple meaning of words.

OCDSB Cursive Writing Resources

This is a fabulous collection of cursive writing resources created by the OCDSB Occupational Therapists and Learning Support Services Department. It includes a document with background knowledge of why cursive is important (including research and curriculum links), a slide deck with animated demonstrations of letter formation, and practice sheets for each letter.   Note that…

BEE for Reading: Brain, Ear, Eyes

BEE for Reading is speech to print program created and piloted in Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) kindergarten classes. The program in its entirety consists of a manual, lesson slide decks, sound wall materials, centre activities, and home connections. The full program daily schedule includes: 1. Phonemic awareness (i.e., sound identification, blending and…

Syntax and Grammar Slide Decks: Grades 1 – 5+ (The Syntax Project)

The Syntax Project is an open-source collection of grammar and syntax lessons created by a group of Australian teachers. Melinda Hinch, SLP in Greater Essex County DSB, has adapted the slides to incorporate Canadian content and aligned them with the B3 Language Conventions Continuum. Note that this resource is a Google Drive folder set to…

Morphology for Meaning

Melinda Hinch, Speech-Language Pathologist at Greater Essex County DSB, has adapted morphology lessons from The Morphology Project, an open-source series of lessons developed by a group of teachers and school leaders in Australia. This is a series of slides to teach grades 1 – 3 students the affixes listed in the Language Foundations Continuum.