Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties

This newly updated book (Third Edition) is a great resource for teachers of all grades looking to support their students’ reading comprehension. It’s particularly helpful for instructing students who have learning difficulties, but is a valuable read for all educators. The book includes chapters on Vocabulary, Promoting Content-Area Literacy, Supporting English Learners, Intensive Interventions, Multicomponent…

Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures

This spiral-bound book is a collection of formal and informal assessments covering phonological awareness, phonics, decoding and word recognition, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension, including the CORE Phonics Survey, often recommended as a diagnostic tool to be used after universal screening to help identify gaps. Assessments in this book (both English and Spanish) can help inform…

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Young Children: Driving Change in Early Education

This evidence-based planning guide will help educators of young children (K/1) and those who lead them to use the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support framework to enhance student development and success in literacy, language and the social-emotional domain. Chapter topics include using data-based decision making, engaging families, dual-lanuage learners, children with disabilities, and specific chapters on…

Students With Autism: How To Improve Language, Literacy and Academic Success

This resource is for all educators who work with students with autism. While many books on this topic focus on social and behavioural needs, this book offers a comprehensive focus on curriculum and instruction for this population of students. Early chapters on characteristics of autism and how core deficits affect language and learning are valuable…

How Learning Happens: Seminal Works in Educational Psychology and What They Mean in Practice

How Learning Happens is broken down into 28 short chapters, each one focusing on an important element of educational research. The format of each chapter with consistent sections (Why you should read this article, Abstract of the article, The article, Conclusions/implications of the work for educational practice, and How to use this work in your…

Strive-For-Five Conversations

Oral language is the cornerstone of literacy, and this reader-friendly book provides a tool – the « Strive-For-Five » framework – to help educators extend conversations with students to help support speaking, vocabulary, reasoning and other skills. Chapters include « Creating Classroom Routines for Strive-for-Five Conversations », « Choosing Books That Spark Rich Conversations » and « Talking Is Teaching: Strive-For-Five Conversations…

Big Words For Young Readers

In this book, Heidi Mesmer shares research-backed strategies to support teachers as they move students beyond basic phonics and decoding short words. It’s easy to follow with lots of graphics, sidebars, resources accessible by QR code and appendices. Part I of the book breaks down the foundations of teaching big words with “What You Need…

Literacy Learning for Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers

This book is an excellent, reader-friendly resource for kindergarten teachers and Early Childhood Educators. While infant and toddler development takes place before the Ontario curriculum kicks in, the authors are American. Their recommendations for preschoolers generally align with the age of our Year 1 kindergarten students. Much of the research and advice in the book…

Text Complexity: Stretching Readers with Texts and Tasks – Second Edition

When it comes to choosing texts for the classroom, educators have a lot of questions. Should we be looking at levels, lexiles or other readability criteria? Do we limit kids to “just-right” books? How can we scaffold instruction to help struggling readers access age- and grade-appropriate material? This book has answers! The authors cover quantitative…