Les grandes familles de mots

Cet ouvrage propose 81 regroupements lexicaux reposant sur l’histoire de quelques milliers de mots. Ces mots sont classés ici en fonction de liens étymologiques et morphologiques qui les unissent, et qui les relient aussi à d’autres langues. Cette ressource est utile pour planifier l’enseignement explicite du vocabulaire ou de l’orthographe afin d’expliquer l’étymologie des morphèmes…

Teaching Summary Writing to Support Comprehension

Watching this webinar from PaTTAN, you will learn why summarizing has been identified through research as highly effective for developing comprehension and writing. It defines a quality summary and how it differs from retelling or paraphrasing.  Practical suggestions for explicitly teaching summary writing based on text and non-text sources will be shared, including scaffolds. The…

Text Complexity: Stretching Readers with Texts and Tasks – Second Edition

When it comes to choosing texts for the classroom, educators have a lot of questions. Should we be looking at levels, lexiles or other readability criteria? Do we limit kids to “just-right” books? How can we scaffold instruction to help struggling readers access age- and grade-appropriate material? This book has answers! The authors cover quantitative…