Les grandes familles de mots

Cet ouvrage propose 81 regroupements lexicaux reposant sur l’histoire de quelques milliers de mots. Ces mots sont classés ici en fonction de liens étymologiques et morphologiques qui les unissent, et qui les relient aussi à d’autres langues. Cette ressource est utile pour planifier l’enseignement explicite du vocabulaire ou de l’orthographe afin d’expliquer l’étymologie des morphèmes…

La compréhension avec les littératies médiatiques et multimodales

Enregistrement de webinaire : Modélisation d’un parcours intégré visant à soutenir l’enseignement de la compréhension de la lecture et l’écriture en partant de littératies médiatiques et multimodales Ce webinaire propose un parcours d’activités didactiques qui s’inspire d’une œuvre de littérature de jeunesse et qui vise, entre autres, à soutenir les élèves en lecture. Les activités…

Big Words For Young Readers

In this book, Heidi Mesmer shares research-backed strategies to support teachers as they move students beyond basic phonics and decoding short words. It’s easy to follow with lots of graphics, sidebars, resources accessible by QR code and appendices. Part I of the book breaks down the foundations of teaching big words with “What You Need…

Teaching TV: Learning With Television

In the « Teaching TV: Learning with Television » lesson from Elizabeth Verrall’s five-part unit for elementary classrooms, students are introduced to television as an informative source and its presentation from specific perspectives. The lesson aims to cultivate students’ ability to derive information from media, identify and use information from various sources, including television, recognize informative TV…

Teaching TV: Television Techniques

The « Teaching TV: Television Techniques » lesson, a component of Elizabeth Verrall’s comprehensive five-part unit for elementary education, offers educators valuable insights for incorporating TV education in classrooms. By guiding students in creating their own media productions, the lesson imparts a practical understanding of how technology and film techniques are harnessed in television to convey meaning…

Teaching TV: Film Production: Who Does What?

The « Teaching TV: Film Production: Who Does What? » lesson, a component of Elizabeth Verrall’s five-part unit for elementary classrooms, offers educators a valuable framework for teaching TV. This lesson engages students in exploring the world of television and film production, fostering an understanding of the equipment used and the roles undertaken by various production team…

Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller

The « Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller » lesson, within Elizabeth Verrall’s comprehensive five-part unit, equips teachers with creative strategies for TV education in elementary classrooms. This lesson guides students in exploring television’s role as a narrative medium. Key learning outcomes encompass understanding how media products convey stories, recognizing elements like characters, mood, setting, and…